

Hello stranger (or friend!). Thank you for stopping by. I’ve been meaning to start my own blog for a while now, but never got around to doing it. Now I’m happy to see that it’s finally up and running.

I’ll be writing about different topics with each post, and in time (hopefully!) the entries will be less spaced out than what they are now. Hopefully you’ll find my writings engaging, and of help. Thanks again for being here. Carry on!
6 min 4 sec read

Finding Hope in Ancient Wisdom

In today’s world of constant challenges and unprecedented changes, we often search for inspiration in the most unexpected places.

5 min 28 sec read

The Habits Superpower

What would you do if you were to discover a superpower, and had vision of the massive impact it would have in your life for a whole year, before you actually started using it?

3 min 36 sec read

A Look into Stoicism

“Choose not to be harmed, and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed, and you haven’t been.” Marcus Aurelius

1 min 42 sec read

In Progress

What would you do if you were to discover a superpower, and had vision of the massive impact it would have in your life for a whole year, before you actually started using it?

3 min 22 sec read

The Unseen & The Ungrateful

What would you do if you were to discover a superpower, and had vision of the massive impact it would have in your life for a whole year, before you actually started using it?

2 min 34 sec read

Being Fully Present

For all the talk about the future and stuff, there´s rarely any meaningful discussion about being fully present in each moment.