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In Progress

The following is an author’s post. I’ll be doing these from time to time, as every now and then I come across teachings from my readings that are so good I feel moved to share them. It comes from Pastor Charles Stanley’s God’s Purpose for Your Life. It’s a series of devotionals, one for every day of the year, that will guide you in your spiritual walk with God. The book itself is beautiful, so I would encourage you to get the physical copy from Amazon here.

Now onto the devotional itself. It is from the June 13 page, and it’s called “In Progress”.

Having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life. ROMANS 6:22

No matter how you’ve messed up, realize that you are a work in progress. God is molding you into a person with whom He wants to live and fellowship forever. Because of this, you have the hope that you are not going to be the same person tomorrow that you are today.

If you continue to walk with God, you will be more like Christ—with more of His character, grace, wisdom, and power. Your mistakes are not your identity; who He is making you into is who you were always meant to be. Jesus is writing His story into your life. He is building eternal value into you—replicating His character, preparing you for good works, and establishing His kingdom in you. So your mistakes are not the end. You are still in progress.

You may not like who you are today, and that’s okay. Because God is at work in you—transforming you and preparing you for a life you are going to love. Therefore, don’t give up or give in to disheartenment. You have every reason to live and have hope. Cling to Him and trust that the best is still to come.

Jesus, thank You for seeing value in me, transforming me, and making me Yours. Amen.

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