About Me

Get to know me

Hi! I’m LJ. A perfectionist at heart. Firm believer that the ’80s were truly the best decade. I’m passionate about design, technology, and storytelling. I’ve always thought most internet websites could use a little facelift, but the subject of web design was a little intimidating to me, to say the least.

But in the last decade, companies such as WordPress have made it a little bit less challenging to get into it by providing us with the necessary tools to build just about anything you could think of. Now, I’m fortunate enough to do this for a living, combining everything that I’ve learned about design from the past 20 years of my life and using some powerful tools to create beautiful and efficient websites.

And that’s not all. As an added bonus, I get to tell your story and help it reach your audience and the world. Because I know that at the end of the day, it is this same story that will create a connection with your current and future clients, and help drive your business forward.

Background Story

oneWAYup Designs was founded in 2018, but its roots go many years, even decades, back. I can probably trace back some of its beginnings to the year 1995, when the personal computer market was expanding. I remember my first time using Windows 95 and Netscape on my brand-new Gateway 2000 desktop, and connecting to the internet through dial-up. It was a surreal experience and since then my curiosity for personal computers and the internet started to expand.

Another key influential hobby was one much simpler, but as deep as computers: the unique experience of “creating” stuff with Lego™ blocks, a form of design that is virtually limitless. And the correlation is not uncommon. Many of today’s most popular website builders use the “block” system, where each area of the website acts as a separate section that eventually come together to form the entire project (just like Legos!)

Flash-forward to recent years, CMS companies such as WordPress have made it possible for us to execute our vision of what a web page should be, and there’s never been a more exciting time to leave your footprint in the digital world than today. After many, many hours of research and execution, oneWAYup Designs was born.

Are you ready?

Web design tools are available for everyone to try. But not everyone is qualified to leverage the power of an untold story. I know I am. Let's get to it!